A weather guarantee
for your trip

Your Trip

Your WeatherPromise

Get a full refund of your trip costs if it rains more than guaranteed.

How it works
Book your trip

Book your trip

Book accommodation, flights, outdoor activities and events with one of our travel partners.
Buy a WeatherPromise

Buy a WeatherPromise

Protect yourself against bad weather before your trip begins. We will automatically craft a personalized guarantee tailored to your trip or experience.
Get a refund

Get a refund

Enjoy your trip while we track the weather. If the weather exceeds your guarantee, we refund your costs automatically.
Every weather guarantee is backed by Greenlight Re, a global insurance company, publicly listed on NASDAQ.
Every weather guarantee is backed by Greenlight Re,
a global insurance company, publicly listed on NASDAQ.
Based on science.
We process over 500+ million data points daily to protect your experiences. Our data sources:
Forecasts are not accurate. That’s why we use actual weather data from your destination to offer you a better weather guarantee.
Then we monitor the weather with satellites, weather stations and radar. If the weather breaks our guarantee, we automatically refund your trip.
What our customers say
Taqiyya profile picture


Trip to Tampa, FL

“I’ve never seen anything like WeatherPromise. Unlike travel insurance, it protects my entire experience. I’ve already told people about it!”